Spoiler alert: You are not going to live forever!

Let’s face it, no one wants to think about what would happen if they were in the hospital for a long time, needed long-term nursing care forever, or, in the worst case scenario, if they fell ill and died. At JUPITER LAW CENTER, we recognize this is not a “warm and fuzzy” interest that will get you invited to many dinner parties. Trust us. We know.
And, although you can deny the inevitable or put it off just one more year, you are not going to live forever. You’re lots of things, but immortal is not one of them.
But never fear! The professionals at JUPITER LAW CENTER have a reputation for taking the sting out of facing your future and positioning the conversation to help you realize that every decision you make now is one less daunting decision your loved ones will have to make at an emotional time in their lives.
Make sure your wishes are carried out and that the ones you love the most are the ones who receive the most. Leave nothing to chance. Trust us, the relief you feel after planning your estate will add years to your life.*
*This claim is not based on any fact or scientific study. However, we can say that no puppies were harmed as a result.