ETHEL H. ROBINSON, Financial Administrator

Ethel H. Robinson is the Financial Administrator at JUPITER LAW CENTER. In her role, she is responsible for general Bookkeeping, Equipment Manager, Purchasing Agent and a myriad of other functions, including her “MacGyver-like” ability to fix computer glitches and other things around the office.

Prior to joining JUPITER LAW CENTER in 2014, Ethel handled bookkeeping and accounting in varied business sectors. From finding solutions to issues relating to all of the firm’s technology tools to assisting with all of the firm’s internal training seminars to client-related events, Ethel is always willing to help out where needed.

Born and raised in South Jersey, she has lived in South Florida for over 40 years. Ethel takes joy in beach visits, gatherings with her 4 adult children and extended family and successfully keeping her orchids and other flowering plants alive.

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